Friday, 27 September 2024

EPA's Six-Month Plan Targets Plastic, Air, Water, Land, and Sound Pollution in Ethiopia

In a ceremonial launch on 29th March 2024, H.E. Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh emphasized the necessity for community and stakeholder participation in the implementation of a six-month nationwide environmental protection campaign, which has as its theme;


Act Clean

Clean Future

Go Green

Together We Can!

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The Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is putting forth a six-month plan to mitigate the pressing environmental issues of plastic, air, water, land, and sound pollution as well as the requirement that environmental impact assessments be carried out for projects that influence the environment. The plan aims to raise public and stakeholder awareness.

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H.E. Engineer Lelise Neme, Director General of EPA, explained the campaign's general agenda. Reaching out to 3 million people through face-to-face modalities and 30 million through mainstream and social media is an ambitious and commendable goal. Utilizing both traditional and digital channels allows for a broad and diverse audience to be engaged with the environmental protection initiative. As the DG statement, effective communication strategies and targeted messaging will be key to achieving such widespread reach.


The main objectives of the six-month campaign are emphasized during the launch ceremony. These included increasing public awareness of environmental issues, urging individual action and behavior change, advocating for stronger environmental laws and policies, and supporting sustainable practices and enforcement mechanisms.


The campaign's goals can be met by completing the following crucial actions:

  • Employing social media and other media for the campaign.
  • Organizing panel discussions, workshops, and seminars.
  • Public forums, discussions, and conferences held in villages, schools, and communities
  • Large-scale face-to-face awareness-raising in public spaces such as marketplaces, schools, public transportation, megaprojects, and meeting places
  • Field-based demonstration and visits


The campaign's topics and schedule are plastic pollution-April, Air Pollution-May, Water Pollution-June, Soil Pollution-July, Sound Pollution-August, and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment-September.


The launching event's higher official participants expressed positive reflections on the initiative and expressed their commitment to implementing the planned activities. Their enthusiasm and dedication will undoubtedly contribute to the success of the advocacy initiative to tackle environmental pollution.



The Authority Address

We are Located around Arat Kilo behind Abrehot Library, Beside Ministry of Industry, Arada Sub City Wereda 09

Tele.      +251 (0)11-170-4038/4150 

Fax       +251 (0)11-170-4158/45 





P.O.BOX   12760

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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