Friday, 27 September 2024

Ethiopia has completed it's National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH)

Ethiopia has completed it's National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH), that provides an overarching framework for its response to the impacts of climate change. NAP-ETH has identified 18 adaptation options and five strategic priorities to be implemented between 2019 and 2030.
Ethiopia's National Adaptation Plan has mirrored Processes of Adaptation as it is established under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Since recently, Ethiopia has started pilot implementation of it's Plan. Financed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Implemented by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), NAP Ethiopia has witnessed progressive achivments.
Speaking on the stirring committee evaluative workshop held at Adama, H.E. Dr. Getahun Garedew who is the Director General of Ethiopian Environmental Authority stressed that "Ethiopia's committment to combat the global climate crisis is unwavering. His Excellency in his remark also added that the Global community shall support Ethiopias efforts in order to better achive the intended objectives set in its NAP.

The Authority Address

We are Located around Arat Kilo behind Abrehot Library, Beside Ministry of Industry, Arada Sub City Wereda 09

Tele.      +251 (0)11-170-4038/4150 

Fax       +251 (0)11-170-4158/45 





P.O.BOX   12760

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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