Friday, 27 September 2024

Ethiopia shares it's experience in a high level panel at COP26.

Ethiopia shares it's experience in a high level panel at COP26.
Nov. 6/2021
Ethiopia has shared its expiriance of the green legacy tree plantation campaign and the implementation of it's nationally determimed contribution along with other national development efforts.
At a high level panel hosted by the UK presedancy, the panel entitled by the theme "Nature and Land use in NDCS, Adaptation plans and long term strategies, speakers from different countries of different regions has made remarks with respect to there respective efforts.
Speaking on the stage representing Ethiopia, his excellency prof. Fekadu Beyene, Commissioner to the Ethiopian Environment Forest and Climate change has explained that Ethiopia's Climate resilient green economy strategy and it's Nationally determined contribution has adressed the protection of Nature at it's center. Commissioner also explained that Ethiopia is looking for ward for greener developement model where by Nature based solutions are evidently applied.
The Ethiopian "Green Legacy" initiative that has been planned to plant 20bln seedlings by 2022 and managed to plant more than 15.5 bln so far is the live witness of Ethiopia's productive land and natural resources management and utilization in this regard, mentioned his excellency.

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