Friday, 27 September 2024

ETHIOPIA-Still Speaking Loude for the Least Developed Group!

Ethiopia is still pushing the world to hear for the voice of the least developed countries for a better climate actions. In a global climate change summit under discussion at katowice; poland, Ethiopia has loudly urged the world that "COP 24 is the right time to decide on climate actions before it is too late". After weeks of technical debates and dialogues to finalise the paris agreement implimentation rule book, reports from katowice inform that narrowing the gaps seems harder.

For this reason, money of the decissions are pushed to the poleticians to decide up on after a while. In a podium where heades of nations and ministers from all the globe gave their remarks, Ethiopia has loudly voiced to the global leaders that the needs and intersts of least developed and developing countries has to be respected with out pending climate related agendas that need an urgent decissions. Excellency prof. Fekadu Beyene remarked in his speech that, "the paris agreement implementation rule book has to get ratified in this conference of the parties(COP) and shall enter in to its implementation after wards.Commissioner has also reminded the plenery that global leaders should hear to the recent IPCC report which has recomended us to stick to the 1.5Oc Of carbon emission reduction with out delayes.

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