Friday, 27 September 2024

ETHIOPIA welcomes BANGLADESH to Chair the Climate Vulnerable forum(CVF)for the next two years.

ETHIOPIA welcomes BANGLADESH to Chair the Climate Vulnerable forum(CVF)for the next two years.

June, 9/2020
The Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) is a global partnership of countries that are disproportionat_ ely affected by the consequences of global warming. The forum addresses the negative effects of global warming as a result of heightened socio-economic and environmental vulnerabilities.
The forum has been established in 2009 by countries that are highly affected by climate change inorder to make solidarity to combat the negative impacts of climate change.
Having about 48 member countries world wide, CVF has been first chaired by Maldives followed by different countries where Ethiopia has been a chair from 2016_2018 followed by the Republic of the Marshal Islands(2018_2020). The presidency of the forum is now handed over to People's Republic of Bangladesh (2020_2022).
In a virtual hand over of the ceremony the presidency held today, the Troika ministers have raised and discussed on various agendas of the forum.
Under the presidency of Bangladesh, Ethiopia has mentioned the following areas of it's focus that can be considered as the CVF’s key priorities;
1. The CVF members need to show strong leadership in delivering ambitious NDCs before the end of 2020 to push bigger countries into ambitious climate action. In this regard member countries need to be at the forefront to ensure the delivery of ambitious and enhanced NDCs in line with the “Jumemmej Declaration”.
2. CVF should also continue working boldly on the need to deliver financial and technological supports from developed countries as member countries dont envisage any sort of climate action on the ground without these two building blocks. To that end, the ongoing financing initiatives being developed by the Joint Technical Committee needs to be finalized and implemented. At times, alternative and additional sources of funding mechanisms and supports should also be sought to ensure the materialization of ambitious national climate actions in our respective countries.
3. CVF member countries need to have a tailored and stronger focus on adaptation and loss and damage both in action and finance. It is important to continue to seek for a stronger commitment for action and support, including new and additional finance, capacity building, and technical support from the developed countries on both adaptation and loss and damage.
Ethiopia also told the forum that it has to build up on the comittements of CVF Marrakesh Declaration where all member countries has been working towards meeting a 100% renewable energy usage by 2050.
It also shows its readiness to work with other CVF members and stakeholders on the establishment of new CVF centers that facilitate South-South cooperation and learning. In that regard, Ethiopia highly welcomes the establishment of the CVF South-South Centre on Climate Information and Services in the Philippines.

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