Friday, 27 September 2024

Members of the CRGE Forum get involved in Ethiopia’s Greening

Members of the CRGE Forum get involved in Ethiopia’s Greening Initiative and showed their solidarity in this rainy season’s a Green Legacy (GL) campaign.
August 25, 2020, EU Delegation to Ethiopia Office, Addis Ababa
The CRGE Forum have been vibrantly taking part in the Green Legacy (GL) Initiative since August 20, 2020 following the call for this action from the Forum’s chair, the Environment, Forest and Climate Change (EFCCC) of Ethiopia. Since then, major members of the Forum including the two co-chairs (EU Delegation and Royal Norwegian Embassy), Sweden Embassy, Denmark Embassy, British Embassy, Korean Embassy, German Embassy and others from Development Partners and also all CRGE pillar Ministries who are also the member to the Forum including MoA, EFCCC, MoTI, MoT, MoUDC, MoMP, MoF, MOWIE took concrete action on the ground with self-preparation of the planting site; seedlings, and report back with the type of species/composition planted and the mobilized and involved person in their own motivation and cost.
The CRGE Forum was established in 2018 in close consultation with its development partners objectively to ensure better coordination for effective implementation of Ethiopia’s CRGE Strategy having. The Forum further envisioned to serve as a coordination platform for ensuring effective donor coordination, resource mobilization and sustainability of development partnership. Since its establishment, various activities have been undergoing to make the Forum fully operational.

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