Friday, 27 September 2024

P4G Partnership

P4G Partnership Concept Note Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the P4G family of partnerships. P4G accelerates pioneering green, market-based partnerships to build sustainable and resilient economies. We invest in impact to deliver inclusive and tangible solutions to build back better and greener to drive economic growth and meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.

How to apply:

  1. Go to Review the Partnership Fund Guidelines to make sure your partnership is eligible and to become familiar with the evaluation criteria.
  2. Complete the Eligibility Checklist on the P4G website.
  3. Download the Concept Note Form (this Word document) from the website.
  4. Complete the Concept Note Form below. All fields are required except where indicated.
  5. Navigate to the Online Concept Note Form. Copy and paste your answers from the form below into the Online Form and upload the business plan summary and diagram where indicated.
  6. Click "Submit Application." You will see a message on your screen letting you know the application has been submitted. You will not receive a copy of the form after it has been submitted, so please save your answers in this document as a record of your submission.
  7. If your concept note indicates strong potential for alignment with P4G priorities, P4G staff may contact you for more information.

Important Reminders:

  • P4G ONLY FUNDS HIGHLY TRANSFORMATIVE PARTNERSHIPS THAT MEET OUR CRITERIA. ALL OTHER CONCEPTS WILL BE REJECTED. Therefore, please carefully read the Guidelines on the Call for Partnerships web page and review partnership examples in “The P4G Approach: Pioneering Green Partnerships, Investing in Impact” and on P4G’s website to see if your idea matches our partnership profile.
  • As outlined in the Guidelines, each concept note will first be screened against the eligibility criteria. Concept notes that meet all six eligibility criteria will then be scored against evaluation criteria one through five. Only the highest scoring partnerships will advance.
  • Optional business plan guidance is available here.
  • Applications that are incomplete or that exceed the word limit/page limit in any section will not be considered. Use the Word Count feature to ensure you do not exceed the limits.
  • The submitted online application will be considered the full and final version of the application. P4G will not review any applications submitted by email or other formats.

Concept Note

  1. Title of the Partnership/Concept. (Fewer than 60 characters recommended.)
  1. Summary of the partnership’s objectives. Please give an overview of what the partnership aims to achieve, where, and by when. Describe the commercially viable business model you seek to start or to scale, and the end goals and outcomes of your venture (Max. 90 words).
  1. Impact Goals. (Max. 90 words) The specific planned goals, measurable impacts, and timeline (SMART goals) in the: 
    1. Short term (within the P4G funding period) 
    2. Medium term (within the scope of the initial targeted business model)
    3. Long term (assuming scaling or replication catalyzed by the partnership)
  2. Innovation. The unique value proposition and innovativeness of this concept (Max. 90 words).
  3. Business Model

Provide a diagram or schematic of your business model (no more than one page).  

[A button to attach your Business Model document will appear here in the online form.]

  1. Business Plan Summary
    In no more than 2 pages, please summarize a business plan that indicates how your partnership is on the pathway to commercialization. Please ensure, at a minimum, that the following topics are addressed; feel free to add additional information and to format all information in this document to be as readable and succinct as possible. Applicants may wish to refer to the business plan guidance available here, for example, or other business plan resources.
    1. The market opportunity / gap / need
    2. The progress and quantified impact of the partnership to date, including all funding received to date
    3. Financial sustainability plan: how the business will become commercially viable (with financial projections if available). Distinguish between the one- to two-year P4G funding window and the medium- to longer-term (5-10 years).  
    4. The implementation plan, go to market and growth strategies
    5. Any regulatory or policy barriers that will need to be addressed, and the plan to address them
    6. Track record and previous experience of the partners with similar ventures

[A button to attach your Business Plan Summary document will appear here in the online form.]

  1. Primary SDG focus: Choose an item.
    The focus of the partnership must be one of P4G's five SDG focus areas: SDG 2 food and agriculture; SDG 6 clean water and sanitation;  SDG 7 clean and affordable energy; SDG 11 sustainable cities; and SDG 12 responsible production and consumption (circular economy).
  1. Alignment with P4G’s themes:
    Theme: Click or tap here to enter text.

Focus Area within Theme: Click or tap here to enter text. 

(P4G has identified clusters of P4G Partnerships working within these thematic areas. These themes align with P4G’s Communities of Learning and allow partnerships to benefit from synergies to magnify focused impact. Does your partnership fit into one of P4G's existing partnership themes? If not, select None of the Above. Note that alignment with one of these themes is not a requirement.) See Guidelines for list of Focus Areas within each theme.

  • Food and Agricultural Value Chain
  • Zero Waste Green Industry
  • Energy Transition
  • Digital Solutions for Water
  • None of the Above

[Once one of the above is selected, a new field will pop up to select one of the focus areas within that portfolio.]

  1. P4G Partner Country or Countries: Click or tap here to enter text.

(Please note which of P4G's 12 partner countries this partnership involves. Partnership activities must take place in one or more of the eight P4G partner countries eligible for P4G-funded projects: Bangladesh, Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, and Vietnam. Partnerships directly involving partners based in Chile, Denmark, the Netherlands, or the Republic of Korea should indicate this here as well.)

  1. Commercial Partners:
    (Describe each core commercial partner's focus, location, and role in the partnership. Only include partners intending to be actively engaged members of the partnership.)
  1. Civil Society/NGO Partners:

(Describe each core NGO partner's focus, location, and role in the partnership. Only include partners intending to be actively engaged members of the partnership. Note which partner intends to serve as the Administrative Partner (contractual recipient of P4G funds); Refer to the table in the Guidelines to confirm administrative partner eligibility.)

  1. Other Partners: List any other core partners, including government agencies, academic institutions, etc. Briefly describe each partner's focus, type of organization, location, and role in the partnership. Only include partners intending to be actively engaged members of the partnership.
  1. Partners’ Websites. Please list the relevant web addresses (URLs) of each partner and of the partnership, if available. Click or tap here to enter text.
  1. Estimated Budget.
    1. Projected P4G budget request Click or tap here to enter text.
    2. Projected co-financing (P4G funds no more than 50% - 75% of a partnership proposal’s total budget, depending on the size of the award.) This should align with the business plan. Click or tap here to enter text.
  2. P4G Network Connections

Please describe any collaboration or direct conversations you have had with network members to date, including P4G partner country national platforms, Board member organizations, or existing partnerships. Note that concept notes may be shared with relevant network members. (Max. 90 words.) 

  1. P4G Added Value

What other support beyond funding could P4G provide that would maximize your chances of success? (Max. 90 words)

  1. Prior Recipients of P4G Funding
    1. Has this partnership (with the same combination of partners) previously been awarded P4G funding? Check if yes. ☐
    2. If your partnership previously received P4G funding, please summarize the results achieved using P4G funds to date and explain how additional P4G funds in this new funding cycle can help the partnership reach the next level, and why the timing is appropriate for additional funding. (Max. 125 words)
  1. Contact Person for Application:
    1. First name: 
    2. Last name:
    3. Job Title: 
    4. Organization (and City, Country): 
    5. Email Address: 
    6. Option to receive monthly P4G newsletter by email (check if desired) ☐

[A button to SUBMIT APPLICATION will appear at the end of the online form. After the form has been submitted, you will see this message: “Thank you for submitting a concept note for P4G's consideration! If your concept note indicates strong potential for alignment with P4G priorities, P4G staff may contact you for more information.”]

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The Authority Address

We are Located around Arat Kilo behind Abrehot Library, Beside Ministry of Industry, Arada Sub City Wereda 09

Tele.      +251 (0)11-170-4038/4150 

Fax       +251 (0)11-170-4158/45 





P.O.BOX   12760

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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